Online Course Coaching | For Online Course Creators, Trainers and Entrepreneurs
Tim Cooper | Coaching You To Successful Online Course Creation & Marketing | Regular Udemy Coupon Offers
Category: EducationTeach Online | The Make Money With Massage Project | Part 1
Tim Cooper
Nov 23 2015
In this episode, I take you behind the scenes as I create a digital product from the ground up. I'll share everything with you, I mean everything. I'll share what works and what doesn't work.
As I mentioned in last week's episode, I am being coached b...
Teach Online | The Importance of Accurate Student Targeting
Tim Cooper
Nov 15 2015
Whether you're creating online courses for Udemy, Teachable or hosting on your own website, there is a framework and system to follow that will greatly improve your chances of success.
In this episode, I'm going to share some of the information I've l...
Teach Online | The Importance of Authenticity in Online Course Design | With Dr Kevin Maples
Tim Cooper
Nov 08 2015

Udemy is a massive online course marketplace. It's true that Udemy offers big potential for online course creators, as long as your course delivers something valuable.
You must always make sure what's on the label is in the can.
Unfortunately, th...
Teach Online | Which Learning Management System is Right for You? | With Chris Badgett & Joshua Millage
Tim Cooper
Nov 01 2015

Udemy, Teachable or Self-Hosting? Creators of LifterLMS and co-hosts of the LMSCast Podcast join me for a discussion on some online course publishing strategies.
In this episode I'm joined by Chris Badgett and Joshua Millage as we look at what the pro...
Teach Online | Turning Your Skills & Experience into Cash with Online Courses | With Sarah Cordiner
Tim Cooper
Oct 24 2015

Award winning Edupreneur Sarah Cordiner shares how she went from broke and homeless to building a seven-figure online education business in 18 months.
Don't wait until the perfect moment, your passion is enough!
You don't have to be an expert in ...
Teach Online | Finding The Confidence To Create Your Online Course
Tim Cooper
Oct 18 2015
How often has that split second of doubt shot down an online course idea that could have changed your life and improved the lives of thousands of others?
It happens to all of us. We have an idea or we are asked to do something, that in reality we are ...
How To Build An Online Information Empire | With Rob Cubbon
Tim Cooper
Oct 10 2015

Online education comes in many forms from Blogs to EBooks to online video courses. By incorporating a number of these options you can build a large list and funnel prospective students into your premium online courses.
Rob Cubbon started Blogging on t...
Teach Online: Which Platform is Best for Highly Niched Topics | With Terri Armenta
Tim Cooper
Oct 03 2015

Udemy is a great online course marketplace but is it the best platform for highly niched e-courses? Can you make a good income by focusing on a specific niche? When done right you can make a good living in a niche market. Let's look at what it takes.
How To Create A Great Online Course Fast | With Bob Marx
Tim Cooper
Sep 26 2015

Is there a secret formula to creating a successful online course? In this episode Bob Marx explains a simple process to course creation.
There's no denying that Udemy is a very successful online course marketplace. With over 8 million students and tho...
Building Your E-Course Audience Using Facebook Advertising | With Drew Eberlin
Tim Cooper
Sep 20 2015

Like any form of advertising you can blow a lot of money on Facebook ads if you don't get your targeting right. Discover how you can grow your audience and increase e-course sales.
The other thing to consider is that Facebook is intrusive marketing. I...

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