Online Course Coaching | For Online Course Creators, Trainers and Entrepreneurs
Tim Cooper | Coaching You To Successful Online Course Creation & Marketing | Regular Udemy Coupon Offers
How to Attract Students and Charge What You Want | The Benefits of Becoming an Authority in Your Niche | With Tom Morkes
Tim Cooper
Mar 06 2016

As an online course creator you basically have two options when it comes to publishing your course - join a low end marketplace model like Udemy and subject yourself to total disempowerment and pricing restrictions, or establish yourself as an authority and charge a premium for your material.
If you feel your material is only worth $50 max and you're happy to compete at the bottom end of the market, to join the mix of thousands of courses, many just like yours, then maybe a site like Udemy is an option for you.
If however you value the material you share with your students, if you believe your courses have the potential to transform someone's life…
…Are you going to give that away for $50?
You know, it's actually harder to compete at the bottom end of the market. The audience are just looking for a deal. They are more interested in how much they can save versus how much they can learn. Sure they want to learn something too, otherwise they wouldn't be searching the platform, but they are also looking at spending as little as possible.
Now I have heard this more than once, “When I was selling my products at bargain prices I used to encounter a number of troublesome, complaining customers. Once I started to charge three or even ten times more for my products, I attracted a better quality customer who are much easier to work with”
There is a formula to becoming an authority in your niche and Tom briefly goes over “The 5 Pillars to Becoming an Authority”.
If you are interested in selling your courses for premium prices and have students seek you out this is a must listen episode.
I also strongly urge you to check out the “Authority Super Summit”.
This is a live event that goes for over 70 hours featuring 100 high calibre speakers, those considered to be authorities in their area of expertise.
You can register for free using the link below. This will give you access to the live event. Tom is also offering lifetime access to the recordings and their private community at an early bird price of only $97! Seriously, this for me was a no-brainer. Lifetime access to over 70 hours of training by 100 of the best in the business, plus the opportunity to join Tom Morkes, Josh Denny and many future authorities and fellow entrepreneurs in a private community…
…well you know what to do…
Click the link and get yourself registered. I also look forward to catching up with you in the private Facebook group.
CLICK HERE to register for the Authority Super Summit
Here is a link to the free publishing course Tom mentioned.
You can find out more about Tom, his products and services at:
Have a listen to what Tom has to say about the importance of establishing yourself as an authority in your niche and let me know what you think.

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