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How to Turn Your Online Course Into a Book with Scott Beebe
Tim Cooper
Feb 21 2016

Turn your online course into a book. What a powerful marketing strategy. One that I see employed more and more often, and why not? It works!
In this episode, I walk Scott through the simple steps involved in getting your video course transcribed for free. Yes, there are paid options but if you're on a budget and have a little spare time you can get your initial draft prepared very quickly.
The call actually opens up with Scott asking me how my online business is progressing. I share a tip with him about how I stay focused on my current task even though I am coming up with new idea for courses, books, and other products all the time.
Remember, a 98% completed product is worth nothing. You must finish what you start and get your course to market. You can't get distracted with all the shiny objects that cross your path each and every day.
Okay, back to the transcription.
Once you have received your machine transcription back from you will have to go through it, correct any typographical errors and start to clean up the formatting.
Once to have completed your initial clean up you can either compile all the pieces, write your introduction and author bio and ship it off to an editor to sort out the mess for you.
Once again, if you're on a budget you may consider trying tools like Grammary and the Hemingway app.
That's where we left this call. We did talk briefly about cover design. This is something you shouldn't scrimp on. If you're going to spend money this is the place. Your cover has to stand out and look professional as it is the first thing that will draw the prospect's attention to your book.
Have a listen and let me know what you think.

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