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Copywriting for Online Course Creators | How to Write Copy That Sells | With Ray Edwards
Tim Cooper
Feb 25 2016

What role does copywriting play in the design and creation of online courses? We all know the importance of good copy when it comes to promoting and selling your courses, however copywriting should weave a thread through everything you do.
In this interview, I speak with Ray Edwards about the importance of learning how to write good copy.
In this interview, I speak with Ray Edwards about the importance of learning how to write good copy.
In his latest book, “How to Write Copy That Sells”, Rays says, “It is my proposal to you that copywriting is, in fact, the most pivotal and essential business skill you can learn.”
I can't agree more with Ray on this point. Learning copywriting has taught me to look through the eyes of the prospective student, to feel their frustrations and understand their needs. This has had a major impact in all areas of my life.
Ray and I cover many topics and I urge you to take the time to listen to this interview more than once. I also urge you to take notes as Ray shares a wealth of information.
- We cover topics including -
- What is copywriting?
- Can anyone learn this skill?
- What is the most common mistake people make when writing copy?
- What role does copywriting play in the design and development of online courses?
- Is it possible to sell without being “Salesy”?
- What are the building blocks of good copy?
- Is email marketing really dead?
And so much more.
Have a listen and let me know what you think. But most importantly claim your free copy of Ray's book. I'm serious! Just do it…
I have prepared a PDF with more information about Ray and how you can contact him. You can get your copy HERE.

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